Can be near to the best interaction you can have with your dog!
Tricks help your dog to 'learn how to learn'. If your dog can learn tricks, then she can learn obedience and good manners.
The best way to teach your dog a trick, is to make it fun for him. Use praise and small treats to reward your dog.
Practice new tricks only a few minutes at a time. You never want your dog to get bored when learning new things.
Dogs love to learn. Tricks keep your dog alert and energetic. They give your dog a chance to play and have fun.
I have people ask me all the time, “I want to spend more quality time with my dog, but I don’t want to do anything to over the top” or “what is the best way to prepare for agility/ obedience training” and I always tell them to spend the time teaching the dog a trick!
Tricks are great way to learn about how your dog ticks.
And he will enjoy working for you,
But usually the next question is “how do I tell him what I want?”
And my answer is; break it down into small chunks and succeed at those first then start putting it all together, and once you have mastered that, you will be able to move on to harder training techniques including varied reinforcement schedules.
I often get asked “why would you teach a dog a trick if it has no practical value?”
And my reply is; personally they always have a practical value, you are building up the dogs tool box from which he will be able to learn new things quicker and also he will be able to understand what you want from him better. And lets face it, dog love to please and WANT to earn that reward
Tricks help your dog to 'learn how to learn'. If your dog can learn tricks, then she can learn obedience and good manners.
The best way to teach your dog a trick, is to make it fun for him. Use praise and small treats to reward your dog.
Practice new tricks only a few minutes at a time. You never want your dog to get bored when learning new things.
Dogs love to learn. Tricks keep your dog alert and energetic. They give your dog a chance to play and have fun.
I have people ask me all the time, “I want to spend more quality time with my dog, but I don’t want to do anything to over the top” or “what is the best way to prepare for agility/ obedience training” and I always tell them to spend the time teaching the dog a trick!
Tricks are great way to learn about how your dog ticks.
And he will enjoy working for you,
But usually the next question is “how do I tell him what I want?”
And my answer is; break it down into small chunks and succeed at those first then start putting it all together, and once you have mastered that, you will be able to move on to harder training techniques including varied reinforcement schedules.
I often get asked “why would you teach a dog a trick if it has no practical value?”
And my reply is; personally they always have a practical value, you are building up the dogs tool box from which he will be able to learn new things quicker and also he will be able to understand what you want from him better. And lets face it, dog love to please and WANT to earn that reward